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Japanther – Skuffed Up My Huffy 7.5

Oh yeah, here’s the Ramones updated to the modern era. You have your random samples, occasional keyboards, and almost brainless drum and bass. I say brainless in the most endearing way possible, this is a pretty likable way to spend 28 minutes of your life.

                From Brooklyn, these two don’t bother showing off their skills. They don’t have any. What they do have is an uncanny ability to create catchy music with the barest minimum of musical talent. Somehow their enthusiasm and happiness shines through each one of these songs. I enjoy them greatly.

                If you can’t sing along with the chorus in the song “Fuk Tha Prince A Pull Iz Dum” then you may not have a heartbeat. Singing into the cheapest microphones money can, they sing that song’s title as phonetically as they can. Adding that ridiculous keyboard makes it even sweeter. Alongside the wonderful anthem “Seventy-Nine”, these are the main highlights of the album.

                The other songs are fairly decent, but even the weaker ones don’t overstay their welcome. Overall, this burns through your mind fairly quickly, in a good, sugary pop-punk sort of way.