Uh, it is pretty hard for me to write about standup comedians. Like, a spoken word album is usually the most tool-ish thing I can imagine. The amount of times I’ve been in a dorm room and heard some jackass ask “Hey, want to listen to a recording from Lewis Black that he did ten years ago?” is uncountable. And the amount of times I’ve enjoyed it is: 0.
Yeah, the timeliness can really detract from a comedy album. Particularly if the performer’s act consists of making Dan Quayle jokes. Thankfully, this is not the case with Mr. Mirman.
Eugene has worked tirelessly to make sure that his bizarre delivery and content can remain fresh. The main concerns would involve how he evokes various technologies, such as IPODs and MP3s. Otherwise; it is pretty weird stuff that works more on an absurd level than a topical one.
Also, this stays consistently with the standup delivery the whole way through. Some of his previous stuff lasted for about 30 minutes worth of standup, then pre-recorded songs and internal monologues which weren’t as funny. This is good stuff, and if you have an appreciation for dry wit and the bizarre, this should be just fine.