Some days I'm a super bitch
Up to my old tricks
but it wont last forever
Next day I'm your super girl
Out to save the world
and it keeps getting better...
- Christina Aguilera "It Keeps Getting Better"
Ever since Glamour Whore was just a mini glamette I have been fascinated with the glamorous women of the comic world. SuperGirl, superbitch, heroine or villain, I find them to be extraordinarily bewitching and glamorous. As a child I tended to idolize the "heroines" such as Wonder Woman or Supergirl, now that I have gone from pigtails to perfume I have to admit that I find the super heroines that use their power for good mundane. I prefer the villainess, probably because I can relate....
Yeah baby there's a villain in me
So sexy sour and sweet
and you'll be loving it...
- Christina Aguilera "It Keeps Getting Better"
Some of the more mainstream characters have been brought to life on the silver screen or television, Wonder Woman, Catwoman, Batgirl, Poison Ivy, to name a few. However there are many many more that are sublimely glamorous and so inspiring for fashion designers, makeup artists (like myself) or just artists in general. Here are some of my favorites...
1) Poison Ivy (Batman nemesis)My absolute FAVORITE who was brought to life beautifully by Uma Thurman. I left that movie wishing I was Poison Ivy...I know that isn't going to happen but I'm hoping that at very least I will one day be able to recreate the look and do it justice via my makeup art.

2) The Black Cat (Spiderman nemesis) Stunning creature portrayed by Pamela Anderson in a breathtaking photo that exudes campy glamour and villainy

3) Harley Quinn (Batman nemesis) A would be girlfriend of The Joker, close ally of Poison Ivy. Her name is a play on the word harlequin and is clad in the manner of a traditional harlequin jester...a true supervillainess.

4) Talia Al Ghul (Rumoured girlfriend of Batman) The estranged daughter of the supervillain Ra's al Ghul, a Batman nemesis.Her exotic striking looks are a mixture of Chinese, European, and Arab descent. Batman is said to be the father of her child. Batman has Baby Mama drama...who would have guessed.

5)The Black Canary (Justice League) One of the few Super heroines that I do not find mundane. Her sex appeal and and costume (complete with fishnet stockings) has earned her the nickname "The Blonde Bombshell"

6)Star Sapphire (DC Comics Supervillainess)A Green Lantern nemesis, she is clad in a fabulous pink bodysuit. I love her because her weapon of choice is a guessed it...Star Sapphire. Priceless gems with superpowers, it doesn't get any better.

7)Killer Frost (Justice League nemesis of Firestorm) Using ice and manipulation as her weapons, Killer Frost is a glacial beauty, literally, Mz.Frost can create an ice sheen across her entire body. She is a formidable beauty even when she's throwing ice daggers.

8)Elektra (Marvel Comics) A ninja assassin of greek descent, wielding two bladed sai she lives a mercenary lifestyle and has a violent nature that divides her and her love interest Daredevil. She was portrayed by Jennifer Garner in the feature movie "Elektra" in 2005.

9)Catwoman (Batman nemesis)Perhaps the most famous of all female comic characters. She has been brought to life by some of the most beautiful women ever to grace a sound stage.

10) Andrea Grants The Minx: now this one you may not be familiar with, but you will be. Brought to life by "The Pinup Poet" Andrea Grant (The subject of an upcoming blog article). The Minz uses her powers for good but I find her anything but mundane. She is quite unusual, she saves people from their nightmares. As an insomniac, The Minx is my personal superhero... Her upcoming issues will be drawn by the ultra talented illustrator (and one of my most cherished loved ones) Rey Arzeno. You can become acquainted with Andrea Grant and The Minx here:

And to see the work of Rey Arzeno (and I suggest you do):
I owe alot of credit for this blog to my friend "Young Jon Jon". Follow him on Twitter :
And this blog is dedicated to the afore mentioned Rey Arzeno. I love you Rey Rey!!
Thanx Fellas!! XOXO
Kisses Bitches...

Glamour Whore...xoxo