This will be poorly received in some circles but it needs to be said: not every side project of Emeralds is a good one. I know that their fan base verges on obsessive, fanatical even. Some of those projects are pretty amazing as well (Mark McGuire’s stuff in particular). However, recordings like this convince me that perhaps some things are better kept unreleased.
Attempting to create a zen-like approach to ambient can result in one of two actions: either the artist stumbles upon something truly brilliant (like Eliane Radigue) or as glorified waiting room music. Sadly, I’m here to report that the vast majority of this music falls into the latter category. I’d like to say that this music transports you to another dimension where things are wonderful, but that’s simply not true. Instead, it meditates far too long on a single theme while lacking that subtle hook that brings it into transcending its humble roots.
Instead, it is stuck music. This is music that reminds you you’re stuck somewhere. It aggravates with its bland scenarios. Focusing harder on the music won’t help; it isn’t interesting enough most of the time to let that be of benefit.
Most of the time, it is drab music. A few moments exist on here to help it from being a complete wash, but otherwise it’s a wash. Sorry but music like this gives ambient music in general a bad name as being a bunch of navel-gazing overly sensitive types.