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Cactus Cooler – Volume I 7.6

                Imagine discovering a tape thirteen years after it had been recorded. You’d realize you’re uncovering a time capsule. Whatever is on the tape hasn’t worried about music trends for a while, if ever. Tapes represent a kind of sweet love, a cottage industry of care. 

                Cactus Cooler reminds me of the “Anti-Folk” movement. All the humor and warmth I remember from that painfully short-lived and explored genre is present on this tender release. Christian Filardo uncovered this rather strange collection of songs. Thankfully he’s decided to share them with the world on his label HolyPageRecords.

                None of them are particularly long. Brandon Shimoda (the man behind this project) appeared to understand the phrase “Brevity is the soul of wit”. With most songs under two minutes, they don’t overstay their welcome. The lyrics are silly and melancholy. 

                Silliness and melancholy is displayed in full effect on the song “Santa Loved You”. Hearing “For Santa loved you like a mother/Oh Santa loved you like a brother/Oh Santa loved you more than any other” are probably the sweetest lyrics I’ve heard in some time. Is it twee? It probably is. 

                The sweetest songs are “Whale of a Friend” and “Animal Wishes”. “Animal Wishes” has better fidelity than most of the songs, though that’s not saying much. Brandon’s voice takes some getting used it, as the high pitched quality could bother some listeners.

                Really though, this is an extremely enjoyable little gem, left alone for far too long.