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Albus Dumbledore Is A Gay, He Loves Gellert Grindelwald

Albus Dumbledore Is A Gay
(Albus Dumbledore picture: /Film)

JK Rowling has revealed this secret at Carnegie Hall in New York on Oct. 19:

Harry Potter author JK Rowling has exposed one of the main characters of her best-selling Harry Potter series, by revealing that wizard Albus Dumbledore, head of Hogwarts school, is gay.

Speaking at Carnegie Hall on Oct 19 in her first U.S. tour in seven years, the author confirmed what fans have long suspected -- that she "always thought Dumbledore was gay."

After a brief reading from the final book in the series, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Rowling took questions from the audience. [T]hen a young fan asked if Dumbledore would find "true love", Rowling answered: "Dumbledore is gay".

Rowling said Dumbledore fell in love with the charming wizard Gellert Grindelwald but when Grindelwald turned out to be more interested in the dark arts than good, Dumbledore was "terribly let down" and went on to destroy his rival.

That love, she said, was Dumbledore's "great tragedy".


Rowling said she had read through a script for the movie adaptation of the sixth book in the series, "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" and corrected a passage in which Dumbledore was reminiscing about past loves by crossing it out and scrawling "Dumbledore is gay" over it.

Sources: Telegraph & Dailyindia