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Jacqueline Saburido, a Victim of Drunk Driving Accident

Jacqueline Saburido1

From the Oprah Winfrey show Burned Alive By a Drunk Driver

As an only child growing up in Caracas, Venezuela, Jacqui Saburido lived the good life. Beautiful and smart, she studied engineering with hopes of taking over her father's manufacturing business someday. In August 1999, she took a break from college and moved to Texas to study English.

After attending a party one night, Jacqui accepted a ride home from a young woman who lived near her dormitory. What she didn't know is that a young man named Reggie Stephey was driving under the influence of alcohol. On a four-lane road outside of Austin, Reggie's SUV crossed the center line and hit the car Jacqui was in—head-on. Two girls in Jacqui's car were killed instantly, and Jacqui's legs were pinned under the dashboard. She was helpless as flames engulfed her face and body. Sixty percent of her body was covered with third-degree burns.

Reggie Stephey was fined $20,000 and sentenced to seven years in prison for two counts of intoxication manslaughter.

Jacqueline Saburido andOprah Winfrey

  From Lenet3000.com

Why No One should Drink and Drive

The Destiny of Jacqueline Saburido


Jacqueline Saburido appeared on the Oprah Winfrey Show

This is Jacqueline Saburido on September 19, 1999.


This is she and her Father, 1998.


On Vacation in Venezuela when Younger.


Birthday party as a child.


At a party with friends.


The car in which Jacqueline traveled. She was hit by another car that was driven by a 17-year old male student on his way home after a couple of hard packs of beer with his friends. This was in December 1999.


After the accident Jacqueline has needed over 40 operations.


Three months after accident.


Jacqueline was caught in the burning car and her body was heavily burnt during around 45 seconds.


With her Father, 2000.


Now 20 years old, he Reggie Stephey cannot forgive himself for driving drunk on that night three years ago. He's aware of devastating Jacqueline Saburidos life.

The look in his eyes tells you he has asked God many times to forgive him, but he cannot forgive himself. May God Have Mercy on him & give him Peace.


Not everyone who gets hit with a car dies. This picture was taken 4 years after the accident and the doctors are still working on Jacqueline, whose body was covered with 60% severe burnings.

Make your donation at HelpJacqui.com