glam·our (glam′ər)
1) A magic spell or charm
2) Seemingly mysterious and elusive fascination or allure; bewitching charm
3) Elegance, luxury, high fashion, etc. or their aura around a person, situation, etc.
Glamour. All Day. Everyday. My purpose here is to bring you anything and everything Glamorous. Of course being a makeup artist, the main tone will be beauty and fashion, however, I will also bring the newest and latest in Music, Movies, Reastaurants/Clubs, Cocktails, Home Decor,Events,Books,Cuisine etc...I will show you what need and want before you even know you want or need it... Here you find beauty tips, must have products and accessories. I will have easy to follow tips/instructions so you never leave home without your glamour...As I progress I hope to add "Glamour Icon Of The Week", "Glam Face of the Day" "Cocktail and Recipe of The Week" (Food is Sexy darlings). Maybe a dash of gossip and drama here and there....There will also be a weekly list of thing of People Places and Things that any self respecting Glamour Whore must know/have. Also, Glamour Whore is not just another pretty face, I am filled with resources and knowledge, if you are ever in need of photographers,makeup artists, fashion stylists, hair stylists, musicians,writers,reputable charities, beauty services, healing practices,hell even cosmetic surgeons etc...you will be able to find them here. Kisses Bitchesss... ~Glamour Whore~ http://www.modelmayhem.com/898943