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VHS Head – Video Club 6.2

                 Alright, this was the beginning of what actually panned out to be a fully excellent project. Here you’re given glimpses of the interesting production techniques, and forms their songs would eventually take. Unfortunately, they were still in the process of solidifying a few things. You can hear it through each song as they continually refine their sound. 

                Since it is only 4 tracks long (a 15 second piece doesn’t count as a song) it is fairly easy to see which sort of paths they took or didn’t take. “Kinaid” gives hints of their eventual sound. Halfway in they stumble upon something approximating a groove of sorts. Still it is too hyperactive. The next two song suffer from being too unfocused and unenergetic.

                Out of the four, “Video Club” is the winner. Right from the beginning, they tease around with the groove a little bit, baiting you. When they decide to actually deliver on that promise, you’re given a pretty excellent groove. Then a perfect melody comes in the middle of things, and a transition worthy of their full-length comes in. This is the song that convinced me that perhaps their full length might be a thing of true beauty (which it of course ended up being).

                Generally speaking, only “Video Club” is the one worth seeking out. The rest of the tracks show a group working on getting its act together.