~“Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine and at last you create what you will.”~ -George Bernard Shaw
Glamour Whore sashayed out of her cozy apartment to run some errands, with absolutely no intention of cosmetic shopping. Due to the economy I have been trying to add "Recessionista" to my resume. I walked into Willowbrook Mall with intentions of walking right thru Macy's without stopping. I was simply at the mall to research a purchase that was actually necessary and was going to be in and out quickly. Best laid plans....
As I TRIED to quickly get thru Macy's and into the actual mall, a display at the Benefit counter caught my eye. Their "It Girl" collection had a shade on display that was heavenly... "I Cannes & I Will" a golden mulberry a deliciously rich and glittery shade. Subtly glittery, not disco ball glittery. It was one those perfect shades that is so hard to come across.
As I was admiring the shade a Benefit salesperson approached me. Shannon, the salesperson was very nice but not too nice... See, I have to admit something. I normally HATE cosmetic counter sales people ( I actually usually refer to them as "Counter Bots). If they're not annoyingly ignorant to the product they're selling then they are way too "kiss ass". That is the worst!! You know the type I'm talking about, the ones that tell you that every single thing you look at would look wonderful on you. Shannon was different, she was sweet yet cool. Helpful but not over eager. I asked about "I Cannes & I Will" and she said the words I dread hearing: "Sold Out". Glamour Whore however does not believe in "Sold Out" and apparently neither does Shannon because she proceeded to make me the shade I coveted via 2 other products. A combination of Creaseless Cream Shadow/Liner in Stiletto and Luster Duster in Goldilocks became my new favorite eyeshadow. I actually like it better than the color I originally wanted!!
If you are ever in The Willowbrook Mall Macys, go to the Benefit counter and hope Shannon is working. She will make sure you leave with exactly what you are looking for and nothing you don't want/need. She "Cannes & Will" make sure you leave with what you need and/or desire. Thanx Shannon!! xoxo
To get what I now call "Shades of Shannon" you only need these 2 products:
Benefit Luster Duster in Goldilocks

Benefit Creaseless Cream Shadow/Liner

Simply apply a medium coat of Stiletto and blend some Goldilocks right into the shadow and voila...Shades Of Shannon!!
Kisses Bitches...
Glamour Whore...xoxo