~“We are M·A·C Make-Up Art Cosmetics. Every face is a canvas to us, a glorious chance for spectacular transformation. It’s nice to be pretty, but it’s so much more fabulous and interesting to be a persona, something once out-of-grasp that has, through the power of art, become thrillingly real.”~ -James Gager, Senior Vice President/Creative Director.
MAC Cosmetics "MakeUp Art Cosmetics Fall 09" line is so amazingly vivid and colorific that I am actually having a hard time focusing on my words as I write them...yes, I am experiencing brain lock. It's just that good...
Once again, under the vision and leadership of James Gager, MAC has done something never done before, that would be merge makeup artistry with the conventional art world. Three artists at the top of their genres have teamed up with MAC to produce a collection that is so visually appealing that it has completely hypnotized Glamour Whore and has so many possibilities that I really believe the products in this collection will be all I need for a long long time.
Now, my usual blog about a fall line would normally consist of products lists and photos but I want to change it up for this collection. Instead of the norm, I would like to instead introduce you to the artists MAC chose to create this divine line. After I do that there will a video produced by MAC introducing you to the line and the artists for your viewing pleasure.
The first artist is uber talented photographer Richard Phillips. His photo "Der Bodensee" is also his painting for the MAC Collection promo ads. With help from the fashion industry's favorite re-touch artist they turned a gorgeous photo into a glorious painting.
The Original...

The End Result...

Some more of Richard Phillip's genius work...

I will now introduce you to Marilyn Minter, a Louisiana born artist. Marilyn Minter has a style all her own. I absolutely adore her "enamel on metal" paintings and even Madonna is a fan, excerpts from Minter's "Green Pink Caviar" video were used as the video backdrop for the opening song in Madonna's Sticky & Sweet Tour. Her artworks often include sexuality and erotic imagery. Her method of painting involves many coatings of translucent enamel paint on metal to produce a luminous, almost hallucinatory finish.
Have a look...

And her MAC Promo:

And finally famed illustrator, children's book author, and designer Maira Kalman. NYC raised Mz.Kalman left Tel Aviv with her family at the age of 4 and attended The High School Of Music And Art, which now goes by the name LaGuardia High School. Until his death in 1999 Maira was married to Tibor Kalman and they ran a design company called M&Co, a successful company to this very day.
Some of her famed illustrations...

My Favorite...

Maira Kalman's MAC Promo Ad

Now that you are familiar with the chosen artists, I turn you over to the MAC Produced video to introduce to the new collection:
And a bonus video!
Last word...
I absolutely cannot wait to rock MAC Pigment in Brash and Bold from this collection with Black Knight Matte lipstick from the Style Black Collection!!!

Kisses Bitches...
Glamour Whore...xoxo