"I am loving the results... I really love the transformation and the clothes were amazing!!! This has got to be one of the most unique shoots I've ever done! Not sure I'll ever go for a permanent short cut, but it definitely works for this shoot." -Kim Kardashian on her spread (including cover) for YRB magazine.
Kim Kardashian is quickly becoming one of my favorite magazine darlings. Who knew she was fearless when it came to changing up her look and taking risks? Those risks continue to pay off. The cover and spread for YRB's September 09 issue are PHENOMENAL. Shot by the talented Mike Ruiz, styled by Darius baptist (who did an exceptional job), makeup was done by the always awe-inspiring Troy Jensen . The result is a dramatic, divine, glamorous layout for YRB.

Now, Mz. Dash hasn't limited taking risks to just magazine photo shoots. Kim has gone BLONDE!! I personally love it, I'm not saying I like it better than her natural shade, I'm just saying that I like this look also. They are two completely different looks and I think she looks fabulous in both shades, I will however say that I feel the lighter shade should probably end with the summer season since it's such a "summer look"... Have a look and tell me what you think.

Kisses Bitches...
Glamour Whore...xoxo