~I know, it's true. I've played these tortured teenagers. I can't wait to shed that image.~ -Claire Danes
When I hear the word "sexy", I have to admit that Claire Danes isn't exactly the first person that comes to mind. BlackBook magazine however, apparently had insight that I did not possess in regards to the "My So Called Life" and "Romeo and Juliet" star... Mz.Danes (Mrs.Hugh Dancy after her upcoming September nuptials) is BlackBook's September cover model and looks AMAZING!! It is one of the most drastic image revamps I have ever seen! She actually looks like the calculating seductress that the media made her out to be when Billy Crudup left Mary Louise Parker for her while Mary Louise was still pregnant with his child (deliciously scandalous!!)...now at least it seems a lil more believable to me.
Claire Danes: Danger, High Voltage!

Kisses Bitches...
Glamour Whore...xoxo