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BeachSloths@Gmail.com - Contact Me!

Alright, so I’ve been doing a fairly good job of remaining mostly anonymous on this blog. Right now that’s going to change. For the purposes purely of this blog, a gmail account has been born. It is what you see above, but in case you missed it, here it is again:

Originally this project started out as a way of filtering through huge amounts of music, figuring out what I was interested in and what could be removed from my IPOD. Currently I have an overflowing IPOD, so the ratings system serves as a way of adding and removing tracks according to my tastes at that time. Right now I’m trying to get some sort of “autumn mix” down.

But at some point the comments (minimal though they have been, mostly by design) proved to be interesting enough to merit an email. Feel free to email me with literally anything, I’m really all ears. Or if you want to help me “sellout” and have some advertisements on here, that’d be swell too. Some of the things I’d be happy to promote:

Kombucha (I figure with the huge amount of Mac users browsing this site that there must be some Kombucha drinkers. It’s kind of a thing now, isn’t it?)

Microwavable Dinners (Hot Pockets, Stouffers) I should note I'm a poor cook.

Gold (seems like a popular topic right about now. Look how much Glenn Beck earns from it. Plus, it has lasting power past the end of the world in 2012)

Various Mac products (goes hand in hand with my interests, along with me being unable to afford most of them)

Huge stacks of American currency (the US dollar needs to stem its decline against other currencies).

As nice as it would be to get advertising, I’m more interested in what you have to say. Since there are people who have written books almost exclusively off of G-chat (I’m looking at you Tao Lin) I can’t see this being a bad idea. Having mini-conversations with posters in the comments section is kind of messy anyway.
So this is a public announcement sort of deal. Connect whenever you feel like it. I am an actual human being.