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True New Zealand Hero: BATalsdr on YouTube

Occasionally someone comes along and provides a service, a great service which you don’t see every day. YouTube isn’t known for those sorts of people, but sometimes there are a few gems in the rough of various online personalities. Sometimes it is their bubbly personality, but often it is someone who instead decides to be completely anonymous and let action speaks louder than words.

BATalsdr from New Zealand is one such person. The fact that this person has exquisite taste in music on a site known for the opposite is a miracle in itself. How this person has such a vast amount of music is a mystery to me, as is the fact that it is such high quality. We’re talking not only about the obvious bests of IDM but even harder to find stuff from Raster Noton, Planet Mu, and nearly every alias Aphex Twin ever had (of course it might be possible to have each one, but there’s so much they’ve posted).

Each song has an orange background, perhaps as a way of easily identifying it as their channel. They are the most subscribed used out of all of New Zealand, with over 7.5 million views as of this article. It’s simply amazing; I wish I knew more about this person. But I guess I’ll have to be content with the fact that this is a person who single-handedly makes the internet a better place.

I’m not the only one, read the comments posted on his channel. From outflows of love, to shaking of hands, to even marriage proposals, this is epic stuff. And they don’t comment on anything, they just stay completely anonymous. There’s no linkage to the We Are The Music Makers Forum, it is just completely blank, nothing about the genius behind this. You just get the music that orange screen displaying artist, song name, and album and release date. 

You see over 986 uploads, all quality. Really BATalsdr, I feel that you make the world a better place. Please be fruitful and multiply.

Of course that is his YouTube channel. Take a listen, have a laugh.