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Big Spider’s Back – Warped 5.2

There’s a lot of chillwave going on right now. I know it is kind of unchill to say that some of these bands kind suck or are unoriginal, but it needs to be said. For, when you’re crushing the internet, trolling for MP3s, you’ll cry when your mellow mix is ruined by some serious mediocrity.

Big Spider’s Back specializes in that sort of mediocrity. Sure, it hits all the right emotional responses, but it feels a little forced, like it isn’t as certain of itself, so it just throws a bunch of stuff together, hoping something works.

“Warped” and “Don’t Make Me Laugh” work best out of all the material. But even these feel a little too familiar, and not in that good nostalgia way but in that “a chillwave band already did this” way. I mean, perhaps they are just trying to be a chillwave band remixing other chillwave, which I respect, but the result is a bit tedious.