Sachiko works in an extremely small field of electronic improvisation called ONYKO. Originally it started out as a very “DIY” kind of music, using only empty samplers and torturing them into creating sound. Think of the exact opposite of noise, leaving only the absolute silences of space.
This is perhaps her quietest, most patient work. Rather than have the sound paint the silence, the silence paints the sound. What I mean is that the huge amount of negative space within the recording gives it a very meditative quality. Plus, the almost by chance randomness of the sounds tends to startle the listener a bit more than a constant drone or bass would have.
L-NE has nothing on this really. Even the most extreme practitioners of microsound/minimalism usually have a constant drone or bass in the background, in order to anchor things. Richard Chartier does this, so does Taylor Deupree, Steve Roden, Bernhard Gunter, and a slew of other similarly minded artists. Simply put, there is nobody who devotes themselves to the extreme silence the way Sachiko does.
Basically, it might be nearly impossible to find the absolute perfect listening conditions for this lowercase music. Your best option might be in some sort of sound-proof booth. Even nature, even the night creates far too much sound and hyper-activity for you to get easily distracted. Not something you’d listen to every day, but it definitely is an experience that will not be easily forgotten.