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Okinawa Lifestyle – Naha 7.2

A few dudes from the former Soviet Republic of Georgia making some rather paranoid chillwave music. Much of this feels a little less chillwave, due to the sometimes dark nature of the music. Instead, it feels like a looser variation on Cut Copy’s sound. Perhaps the former Soviet Republic area still has bloghouse since it isn’t very culturally connected to the rest of the world. Also keep in mind Russia invaded it and probably set culture back a decade or two, destroying vital indie infrastructure.

Not that the music suffers from it. There’s a very light feel to most of this, through the incorporation of various field recordings and ambient space. Often this helps lighten the mood, but sometimes it distracts from the energy of the songs itself. For the most part, the longer songs have more appeal than the shorter ones; also having a greater deal of dance-y ness (is that even a thing?).

I consider it interesting how they name themselves after a place they aren’t anywhere near. Also, they seem to offer all this for free on Last.fm and their blogspot. Perhaps they plan on making huge amounts of money touring around their area, like in Azerbaijan or Moldova. But they probably don’t have to pay a lot for rent in Tbilisi, since it is all poor and such. Most likely, they can afford to live there on barista wages and the occasional smuggling of cigarettes job.