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Everybody's Got to Learn Sometime

To Carl Paladino

By now Carl is in his fortress of solitude, desperately trolling others. He wonders where it all went wrong. Perhaps he insulted too many people. Perhaps he didn't insult enough.

Either way, he lost. No two ways about it, he kept the cockiness up as long as possible. The bestiality porn taught him how to do that.

This year was supposed to be different. People were "mad as hell". He was "mad as hell". Every way of impersonating a living, breathing political internet troll got co-opted by him. Days were spent where he'd studying the habits of 4chan, trying to learn how to 'out-douche' the media. The media had some bizarre fixation on him, just because he was loud, obnoxious, racist, homophobic, stupid, and enjoyed cheating on his wife. It's like they didn't even care that Cuomo was going to raise their taxes. Those fools, they'd learn in due time.

But by then it would be too late.

Last midterm they gave the Democrats a chance. But this midterm was supposed to be different. A tax rebellion was going on. Had other tax rebellion people lost, it would be okay. There's company in misery. Sadly, that doesn't apply to Paladino. Most of his friends won absolutely crushing victories. They are busy celebrating, planning to dissemble governments, destroy basic governmental service, etc. You know the fun stuff. Alone in his misery, he'll spend the rest of the night watching "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind".

He'll wish that he could simply ease voter's memories of everything he said and did with his life. After everything had been purged, maybe it would fail again. But perhaps it is better to have tried than not to have tried at all. Maybe he'll learn from that movie the importance of relationships. Those relationships aren’t based exclusively off of off-color remarks. Maybe they are based off of things like love, affection, and caring about others.

But everybody’s got to learn sometimes. That creed will be forever trapped in his head. As he’s typing up emails, he’ll think about it. As he talks about putting the poor into “fun work camps” he’ll think about that too. He really wants to make up for all the hurt he caused. Maybe next time he might not be so bad, he might change and attribute his victory to an award-winning independent film. 

We’ll see.