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The Interview Process: Vladee Divacc

In his natural habitat

Today I was fortunate enough to sit down (metaphorically) with the mastermind behind the Dunkwave project “Vladee Divacc”, Christian Filardo . Actually, they are the only Dunkwave artists so far, since they created the term. Clearly they are the most famous dunkwave artists right now. Below are some of the questions I asked them about their music. If you want me to send you random questions with varying degrees of personal interest and count it as an interview, feel free to email me at [Beachsloths@gmail.com]. I’ll put something together.

1.       What inspired you to name this project after Vlade Divac?

Being a child of the 90's and opening up pack after pack of cards, i had a ton of Divacs, tons, plus he is a deft passer and flopper. Also he is largely mediocre, but had his bright spots and team players are awesome!

2.       More importantly, why and when did you decide to coin the term “Dunkwave” and what makes a song quality as “Dunkwave” (in case others want to follow in your footsteps).

I decided to make Dunkwave or coin it Dunkwave because that was the whole starting point. Not getting picked for the team, dads’ telling their kids to hustle, giants, fouling, and huge civil rights movements: basketball has it all. There is a lot of art in SPORT and I wanted that to be realized. Who are the average players? Why are they even in the NBA? Should they be allowed to hold public office? The only limit to a "Dunkwave" song is that it has to be about basketball or constructed by basketball, if it isn't it isn't Dunkwave. Just titling your song doesn't count.

3.       On your Tumblr, you mention that you’d like to tour in 2011. Are there any particular areas you’d like to perform in and who do you think would be the most receptive of your music?

West Coast, we are super super super broke! Anyone who is into noise, or in the cold, we would be really into the Pacific Northwest possibly Canada. We do better in the cold. We want to play a halftime show, or in the Rose Garden, or maybe somewhere with a lot of mascots. 

4.       Does Tempe, Arizona offer enough support for a musical underground, and are either one of you involved in any other projects you’d like to share with us?
Tempe offers lots of support as does Phoenix, I am the main writer and producer for Vladee Divacc, and eddy has a glitch solo project called "Girlhood". Up to this point I have been writing and recording everything for Divacc, however Eddy is super involved live and is helping me on Get Open.

5.       Who would you cite as influences for your music?
John Cage, Christian Marclay, Peaking Lights, Ponytail, Erik Satie

6.        Are there any particular albums you’ve been enjoying lately?
Weed- DC Hope EP and the Townhouses Mono No Aware EP

7.       Was there any particular moment of “A-ha” that made you choose this artistic path?
Well the idea of sport as art really fascinates me; you don't see regular guys on the street that are 7 foot + that often. To get lots of these guys on a court, make them play a game, and then make them icons, wear their names on our backs its nuts.

8.       Have you ever seen the movie “Space Jam”? Did that movie have any influence over your sound?
Yes, I have seen Space Jam and no it had zero influence over our sound, the soundtrack is pretty sub-par. However, Vlade Divac is in a scene in it briefly outside the Lakers locker room!

9.       If you could score a movie, which movie would it be and why?
Anything for Lynch, we just agree. 

10.   What are your plans after college? Will you continue to create and produce music?
Well, I would like to move to Detroit and use my artistic efforts to help rebuild that city, if music is what I want to do I will. It's for fun, and if it stops being fun then I will stop. 

11.   Let’s say reincarnation exists. Given a choice, what or who would you like to be re-incarnated as? 
John Cage

12.   Do you think that there will be other sports looking to create their own musical genres? Will “Boccewave” become a musical genre, mixing the sounds of Old Italian men playing Bocce with J-Pop?
No, most sports fans just want to live for the game, not for the sounds. I want to live for both.