This person seems cool, she should read my blog or save me from a burning building. |
According to the news, New Yorkers do a “Good Riddance” day celebration. Taking pieces of paper, they write down the things that bothered them most. Once all the pieces of paper have been collected, they are placed into a giant shredder.
I thought for a minute whether or not this was a true story by the Daily News. Upon reading the ceremony took place in Times Square, I immediately thought to myself “That’s Why”. New York is New York, Times Square is the equivalent of saying you went to Florida when all you went to was Disney World. Come to think of it, most of the Times Square stuff is owned by Disney too. Coincidence, I think not.
While most are frantically scrambling things to wish goodbye to (or Good Riddance) I look forward to my future. 2011 offers a great deal of opportunities, not only in politics, business, and so on but in more important fields like new music releases.
Right now we’re in the “Cruise Control” part of the year. Nobody really accomplishes anything towards the end of the year. Yes, some good things did happen: the 9/11 First Responders Health Care Bill passed alongside “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”. Mostly though, you might as well sleep until your New Year’s Eve party.
Having said that, there are a few releases I’m looking forward to or am hoping will happen. Below are some of those artists who have stated they may/may not be releasing something this year:
Panda Bear – Tomboy (I hope this is released in 2011, and doesn’t become some kind of alt version of Guns N’ Roses “Chinese Democracy” taking years to create yet somehow managing to disappoint everyone).
Deerhoof – Deerhoof Vs. Evil (Yeah, I know they aren’t as relevant as they once were, but I maintain a soft spot for their output.)
Toro Y Moi – Underneath the Pine (Yes)
PJ Harvey – Let England Shake (Yes)
Cake – Showroom of Compassion (I guess these guys got up and realized that their audience was entering into ‘Cool Mom/Cool Dad’ territory. Discovering this, they decided putting out another album would be a great way of attracting a new audience who believe they have taste but really don’t)
Smith Westerns – Dye it Blond (People tell me I should care about this band, but I’ve never listened to them)
Iron & Wine – Kiss Each Other Clean (Advertising executives needed more songs to sell Toyota Camrys)
The Go! Team – Rolling Blackouts (Honestly, who gives a shit. News flash guys, it isn’t 2005.)
Cut Copy – Zonoscope (Excited about this one, they usually make me smile and feel happy emotions.)
Yanni – Truth of Touch (Yanni is a beacon of light when all else is dark. I hear in this release he’s going to offer his take on the “chillwave” genre, seamlessly meshing it with progressive rock.)
Mogwai – Hardcore will never die, but you will (Sadly, I fall behind on these guys’ output by about a year. Once I hear the album, I’m upset I didn’t get to it earlier. That will change this year.)
Bright Eyes – The People’s Key (Oh good I need music to sob uncontrollably to)
Heidi Spencer – Under Streetlight Glow (Heidi and Spencer are some of the most imaginative musicians around today, on par with Karlheinz Stockhausen’s experiments involving helicopters.)
Battles – TBA (I promise I’ll see them when they get to NYC. Nothing will prevent this from happening this time.)
Beastie Boys – Hot Sauce Committee Part II (Ah, five years must have passed.)
Culture Club – TBA (Do you really want to hurt me?)
Fleet Foxes – TBA (To quote the Kool Aid Guy “Oh YEAH!”)
Hercules and the Love Affair – Blue Songs (I can’t express the emotion of pure joy I have upon telling this to you.)
Insane Clown Posse – The American Metaphysical Circus (In this release, the ICP follow-up on their “Miracles” questions. Various sources indicate that Godspeed You! Black Emperor will be their backup band, and Diplo have worked with them on mixing a few tracks. Shaggy 2 Dope states that they were inspired by John Barton Wolgamot’s poetry for the lyrical content.)
Justice – TBA (This will do justice to your face)
Ducktails – Arcade Dynamics (Yes, Chillwave is coming back, out of the cold, towards the light.)
The Strokes – TBA (Inspired by Interpol’s massive failure of a record, they wanted to fail colossally as well.)
Artists I want to have albums from:
Washed Out – Come on, you’ve released countless EPs. Get it together, stop doing Adult Swim bumps, and write roughly 10 songs.
Neon Indian – This year I heard countless people say how your album was ‘the album of 2010’ even though it came out in 09. Wouldn’t it be nice to school those kids with even more infectious noise pop?
Joy Orbison – Your EPs are sick, absolutely massive. If you released an album, I promise to listen to it day and night for a month. Not a good month, mind you, like April or something.
Games – Each EP brings you a little closer. Unlike a lot of EP releasing people, I don’t think you’re blue-balling me. I sincerely believe you’ll deliver on your promise.
Deerhunter – I’ll see a release from you this year because that’s how you roll.
Black Dice – Something needs to come out of you guys. “Repo” did not do it for me. You must restore my faith in abrasive noise. 2010 didn’t have enough good noise; correct that problem by next year.
The Samps – Thoroughly enjoyed your EP. Put out an album and I’m certain I’ll drool over it.
Outer Limits Recordings – Your songs are still stuck in my head. Get them out with new material. PS, I like your style and will dress up as you for Halloween if you do come out with an album.
Unouomedude – Florida dude, you are so the man. Your music reminds me of summer bonfires on the beach.
Weed – Adore this sound. Create more of it. The EP never left my head.
Additionally, I also hope for world peace.