"What worth has beauty if it is not seen?" - Italian Proverb
Lately I have been OBSESSED with vivid colors and textures. I want to paint every face I see in vibrant colors and dip them in glitter and diamonds. I have visions of Fuchsia cheeks, Chartreuse eyelids, Yellow lips. Yes, I said yellow lips... Don't knock it til you've tried it.
Like I said, I'm a little obsessed with color these days, maybe more than a little obsessed.
I have come across a photographer who apparently feels the same I do about color and texture and has some serious photography skills to properly highlight it. I am completely enamored of her work. Her name is Daniela Glunz and she is amazing. It's like her photos are ALIVE and they are living VIVIDLY. The colors and the textures just about jump off the page at you.
Now, being a makeup artist I feel I must mention that she obviously works with some incredibly talented MUAs. That being said however, a MUA can paint a face and 2 different photogs can take a pic of said face and you will see 2 completely different pictures. Us MUAs are essential but so is a photographer's skill and vision. Daniela Glunz's skill and vision are outstanding and extraordinary...
Daniela Glunz:

Check out more of daniela's A-MA-ZING work: http://www.danielaglunz.com/
Kisses Bitches...
Glamour Whore...xoxo