Interesting FYIs about color:
*Bright pinks, like the color red, stimulate energy and can increase the blood pressure, respiration, heartbeat, and pulse rate. They also encourage action and confidence.
*Pink has been used in prison holding cells to effectively reduce erratic behavior.
*President Martin VanBuren is credited with introducing blue into the decorating scheme of the White House in 1837 and since then, there has been a "blue room" in the White House.
*Owls are the only birds that can see the color blue.
*Over the past decade, scientists have reported the successful use of blue light in the treatment of a wide variety of psychological problems, including addictions, eating disorders, impotence, and depression.
I have found a home fit for a "Glamour Whore"....*sigh*. And for only $7.995 MILLION it can be mine, all mine... Hey, it's a steal!! It was originally $8.75 MILLION...
You know how I love a sale... Ok, maybe a bit on the expensive side...BUT it's located in beautiful Gramercy Park and has 10 rooms...10 TECHNICOLOR has a PINK room and a BLUE room...bright colors are wonderful for your really, it's an investment in my health and well being...Yeah, I can spin anything. Seriously though...have a's AMAZING!! But don't fall in's mine Bitches:)

Gorgeous right?! 5 stories, 10 rooms, 5 bedrooms, 3 Baths, 1 half bath...*sigh*
Kisses Bitches...
Glamour Whore...xoxo