"I’m doing things on my own terms. I don’t have to answer to anyone but me."
-Perez Hilton

Oh shut up Perez! Ok, let me state that I had promised myself when I started "Glamour Whore" that I would NEVER use it to slam anyone. EVER. Sadly, today I am breaking a promise to myself. I am going to slam Perez Hilton for being a blight on the blogging community and for having the nerve to always refer to himself as a "Journalist". That alone is so insulting to true journalists that it makes me wanna "Hollywood" slap him....Will.I.Am already handled that for me...*Kisses to Will for that*!! He is disrespectful, mean, ethically irresponsible, filled with self-importance, and astoundingly unprofessional. I have kept my opinion of Perez off my blog for a very long time but feel his latest antics must be addressed. An open letter to Perez will at least make me feel as if I am not talking behind his huge back...
Dear Perez,
Putting all of your mean-spirited antics aside I would like to talk you about professionalism when dealing with other media outlets. When someone like yourself, anyone for that matter, has something they need to promote such as your "book", it's a good idea NOT to bite the hand that offers you POSITIVE EXPOSURE AND PRESS... you idiot. If you are booked on a show at a specific time, showing up more than an hour early and DEMANDING a change in schedule and then proceeding to leave when your silly demands aren't met is not only ignorant it is also the definition of UNPROFESSIONAL. Rapper Snoop and a children's choir were also scheduled and both, who have actual TALENT, acted professionally and were beyond gracious to work with according to the TV station. The same station you infuriated with your ridiculous demands. As a beauty/fashion blogger who is hoping to change the way the world of journalism sees bloggers, I am distressed by the damage you do to the rest of us. I am also distressed by your hair and wardrobe but that is not the subject at hand. Please stop acting like a DIVA, you ARE NOT A DIVA...you are someone who simply got lucky. Plain and simple. Acting the way you do will only shorten your 15 minutes. Which would be fine with me EXCEPT in the process you will also do serious damage to the genre of blogging. So knock it off... Learn how to be professional, hire a stylist and please see a dermatologist. Bad skin and an even worse wardrobe does not a diva make.
Glamour Whore...no hugs and kisses for you.
Let's go the tape...
Kisses Bitches...
Glamour Whore...xoxo