"Put simply, HIV testing saves lives... By increasing the number of people who know their HIV status, we can decrease the number of new HIV infections and help save thousands of lives.."
-Kevin Fenton, Director of CDC's National Center for HIV/AIDS
Today is December 1st. Today is also World AIDS Day 2009. I cannot stress enough the importance of:
1)Being tested
2)ALWAYS practicing safe sex
3)Educating yourself about the disease
Educating yourself is seriously, vitally important. Do you have any idea how many humpaholics I know that are completely ignorant about STDs?! That is just plain dangerous... That being said, I am a MUA, a beauty-blogger, a Glamour Whore and a fashion junkie, I am by no means, qualified to teach anyone about any disease. That would be seriously irresponsible of me. I can however provide you with websites that can enlighten and educate.
Here are a few:
Listen up Glamettes, there is NOTHING glamorous about being UNPROTECTED. I would never assume or hope that the other person has protection. Nope. I carry my own. Now, there 2 fashionable ways to do this....
The first one is Just In Case Inc. You may remember an article I did about this fab company awhile back. If not I'll recap... Just In Case Inc produces the most glam condom cases. Yes. I said GLAM condom cases..."haute" humping accessories...I love it. They have pink cases, jeweled cases, red cases, metallic cases, plain cases, etc... No one will ever know what your carrying if you don't want them to. I blew my own cover when I excitedly told all my friends about it...lol. A few of their designs:
"Classic Bling"

Just In Case II

Metallic Just In Case

And my favorite
The Classic Conversation Gift Pack:

These and many more designs can be found here
The 2nd way to always be prepared is to be already wearing the condom...
I present "Condom Couture":

Ummmm.....my second suggestion was somewhat of a joke... I don't really expect you to wear something from www.boner.com ...lol. My actual suggestion is to pick out a chic and sleek condom case from JustInCaseInc.com , fill it up and you're good to "go".
Happy Humping.
Kisses Bitches...
Glamour Whore...xoxo