"To live anywhere in the world today and be against equality because of race or color is like living in Alaska and being against snow." ~William Faulkner
June 25th 2009. That was date on Thursday the highest court in France upheld a 2007 verdict declaring cosmetic giant L'oreal/Garnier of racial discrimination. Seriously? Really? This is still going on in this day and age? There was a time when news like this would have made me sad. Not today. Today it makes me angry and disgusts me. I have read all the articles and court documents that were made public and have come to the conclusion that L'oreal/Garnier is a company run by executives that are no better than your average ignorant KKK member and in character of racists, they are cowards. Their racial discrimination policies weren't for the models peddling their goods, it was executives, secretaries, behind the scene employees.
The sales teams (known as hostesses) that they put together to promote their shampoos and products across the country were intentionally "all white". The requirements being:
Must be between 18-22 years old, wear a European size 38-42 and be BBR.
Apparently, BBR stands for “bleu, blanc, rouge” or French for “blue, white, red” the colors of their French flag which is also code for white people.
Seriously? BBR? "code for white people"??? They have codes? This is sounding more and more like a hate organization with cosmetics as their "front".
I don't know why I am so surprised. L'oreal/Garnier had already been accused and sued for age discrimination in California and there was the scandal a few months back when quite obviously lightened the color of Beyonce's skin in one of their ad campaigns.
I wonder what Beyonce, Kerry Washington,and Eva Longoria will have to say about this. They generated alot of sales for L'oreal/Garnier with their successful ad campaigns. Photos from these campaigns can be seen below.
I think what's bothering me the most is the hypocrisy. L'oreal/Garnier's racist executives do not want to see "non-whites" in their offices and and at the water cooler but they will create a line of cosmetics specifically for ethnic women (The HIP Line)??? I guess it's ok for "non-whites" to spend their hard earned money on L'oreal/Garnier, it's just not ok for them to work there. Disgusting.
FYI: They also still test on animals. That is a fact.
Race discrimination, age discrimination and animal testing. I will never again use/promote their products.
Here is a list of links that will further explain the lawsuit and L'oreal/Garnier's
disgusting and blatantly racist policies:
The wildly successful ad campaigns starring Beyonce, Eva and Kerry. Not bad for "non-BBR's"
Beyonce: (The alleged "lightening" is glaringly obvious)



"Racism is man's gravest threat to man - the maximum of hatred for a minimum of reason." ~Abraham Joshua Heschel
Kisses Bitches...
Glamour Whore...xoxo