~ Glamour is what makes a man ask for your telephone number. But it also is what makes a woman ask for the name of your dressmaker. ~ Lilly Dache
And the name of that dressmaker is the one and only Mr. Oscar de la Renta, who's name is synonymous with style, sophistication and of course glamour. Mr. de la Renta, you have outdone yourself. This dress is a shining example of why you are and forever will be legendary. As for the lucky young lady, Ms. Anne Hathaway, who wore this work of art to the Tony Awards, I must say she wore it like no other could. Miranda Priestly would be proud. The rich red satin Casadei peep toe shoes and tasteful jewelry completed the look. Hair and makeup were refined, classic and complimentary as to not compete with the ensemble. Perfect. I am quite sure Ms.Hathaway stole the show, she was not nominated for a Tony however, she has won a spot in "The Glamour Whore Hall of Fame and Fashion".
Click on photo for enlarged view. It's so worth it.

Kisses Bitches...
Glamour Whore...xoxo