"Don't tell me the sky's the limit, there are footprints on the moon!!" -Anonymous
My very wise 16 year old cousin Sarah Bear brought that quote to my attention and I love love love it! I have found two unique individuals, photographer James Johnson and fashion stylist Tashi Monroe who are truly rising stars and their possibilities are limitless. They have natural talent combined with a passion for what they do and a hunger for success and the cherry on top is that they are just all around cool people. Let me introduce you:
"Photography is truth.” -Jean-Luc Godard
James Johnson (JJ to me, Mr.Johnson to you!!)
Camden NJ raised James Johnson actually started out in music production, at which he was/is quite talented. He was introduced to photography by Devin Wade, also a extremely talented photographer and James's mentor. Once James held that camera in his hand and took that 1st photo...he was hooked. In the short time he has been working in photography he has already shot fashion shows,catalogs,editorials, models,and music artists, including Young Leek and fellow rising star model Joslynne Hood. His passion is endless, his talent is natural and his style is unique. He is a friend I adore and a photographer I can't wait to work with. Check him out...
Web Pages:
And you can also follow him on Twitter:

My very wise 16 year old cousin Sarah Bear brought that quote to my attention and I love love love it! I have found two unique individuals, photographer James Johnson and fashion stylist Tashi Monroe who are truly rising stars and their possibilities are limitless. They have natural talent combined with a passion for what they do and a hunger for success and the cherry on top is that they are just all around cool people. Let me introduce you:
"Photography is truth.” -Jean-Luc Godard
James Johnson (JJ to me, Mr.Johnson to you!!)

Web Pages:
And you can also follow him on Twitter: