I already know what my addiction is
I be looking for labels, I ain't looking for love
I shop for purses while love walks out the door
Don't cry, buy a bag and get over it
And, I'm not concerned with all the politics
It's a lot of men I know I could find another.
-Fergie "Labels or Love"
I am going to begin this post with a statement that some people are just not going to like. Ready? Here goes...I DO NOT LIKE H & M. I wouldn't say I hate it but I dislike it intensely. I think it's ridiculously overrated. I do not like the clothes and the accessories are flimsy, hell, I don't even like how it smells in there. This being said, I was actually almost saddened when the announcement was made that Jimmy Choo was going to design a line of shoes, bags and accessories exclusively for H & M available November 14th 2009. My immediate reaction was to blog furiously about this upsetting news, but as fashion bloggers around the world took the story and ran with it, I chose to fall back and wait to get my thoughts together.
The reason I was not pleased like everyone else that Jimmy Choo's would be available at a much more affordable price is this, luxury labels are unattainable to most and should stay that way. Yeah, I said it. Unattainable is sexy. I get some sort of sick thrill when I'm wearing/buying a label that I know most people will never have the luxury of owning. Also H & M's attempts to bring couture lines to middle America, such as Matthew Williamson, Stella McCartney, Roberto Cavalli and Karl Lagerfeld, were somewhat disappointing.
Now, although this label whore is still not happy with the idea of soccer moms across America running around in Jimmy Choo's, bringing down the "exclusivity" of the Choo label, I will say I was pleasantly surprised by the fact that the H & M Jimmy Choo's are in fact FABULOUS... I may even purchase a pair...
Jimmy Choo for H & M...FABULOUS!!

Kisses Bitches...
Glamour Whore...xoxo