~Suddenly, it seems as though all the world's a-twitter.~ -Newsweek
Twitter is without a doubt taking the world by storm... How many times while typing non-twitter correspondence have almost throw a "@" in front of a name and hoped you weren't over the 140 character limit? I'm guilty as charged myself. To me Twitter is an invaluable tool. I can promote my blog, network, keep an eye on the hottest trends, hear new music weeks before radio stations play it, say hello to friends and family members without having to actually call them (my favorite Twitter feature). Yes, I love the entire Twitterverse and all it has to offer.
Would I go as far as repping my Twitter ID on a necklace or have jewelry made out of a catchy #hashtag ?! Hmmmm.... Hadn't really thought about it til a few days ago when I came across a necklace from "Survival Of The Hippest" who specializes in "custom designed St@tus Symbols for the ultra-chic and uber-geek". At first I just "smh" and kept surfing in search of a new hot trend but I couldn't get it out of my head and went back for a second look. And now, all out loud and proud, I can say "GIMME MY @Iggismallz NECKLACE ASAP!!!". Yup, I love it. You can choose between necklace, bracelet, anklet, or pin. Silver or yellow gold. Diamonds even if you so desire (I am sooooooo getting diamonds on mine). These can be made from your Twitter ID or a #hashtag. Simply go to the website and start designing: http://survivalofthehippest.com/ I wonder if @myfabolouslife (Rapper Fabolous whose tweets and trending topics are infamous)knows about this... And @mrskutcher (Demi Moore) really should get hers gratis...lol.
Custom Twitter ID Necklaces:

Since this a "trend" some of you may not want to invest in gold and diamonds so here a few other inexpensive alternatives:
The "Twitterati" Necklace available on Etsy:

The Twitter "Tweet" necklace from "Supermarket" $20:

The Hand Stamp "Tweet" Necklace available at Etsy :

Kisses Bitches...
Glamour Whore...xoxo