"For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone."
-Audrey Hepburn
UK based lipgloss company "2 Love My Lips" has developed an interesting new purpose for it's lipgloss. The lip plumping, breath freshening gloss's packaging has a drug detecting card enclosed. Sounds genius right? That's what I thought at first also. Then I researched the product. Although I still think it's a great idea with the best of intentions, I have some serious misgivings also.
2 facts about the product that concern me:
1) It cannot detect drinks mixed with certain fruit juices, milk, oily liqueurs, or tonic water.
2)Also doesn't the presence of Rohypnol. A frequently used popular "Date Rape" drug.
There are very good aspects also.
1)It does detect GHB and Ketamine
2)It is a constant reminder to women to be alert while enjoying cocktail/beverages among strangers.
3)Publicizing the purpose of the product may make people think twice before attempting to tamper with someone's drink.
My verdict is, you have absolutely nothing to lose by purchasing the product. However do not rely solely on this product to keep you safe.
So go ahead girls, gloss up!! And always be aware of your surroundings!!

Kisses Bitches...
Glamour Whore...xoxo