"Wait! I lost my Choo!" -Sarah Jessica Parker as "Carrie Bradshaw" in "Sex And The City"
A BAZILLION blog posts have been written about the Jimmy Choo For H & M Collection. The collection, available November 14th, was actually not something I was looking forward to. I wrote about my misgivings in a previous post.
A brief recap: I generally do not like the idea of high end designers doing lines for H & M, Target, Payless etc... I like buying couture and knowing not everyone has it or can have it. I know, I'm terrible. Whatever. I have another reason. I find the collections these couture designers do for non-couture stores like Target, H & M, Payless (do not get me started on Payless) are often not reminiscent of their usual style. In other words, these collections usually suck.
That being said, I was fully prepared for this collection to be sub-par. I was all set to hate it. Surprisingly, I didn't. Hate it that is. I actually like it. However, everyone else hates it. I have been reading blogs/fashion magazines giving bad reviews for weeks. I don't get it, I think it's pretty good and excellent for H & M. I may even break my rule about never ever shopping in that horrible place.
Take a look at pictures of the collection and let me what you think...

There are a few pieces I could do without, but overall I'm impressed. Now if only H & M didn't smell so funny...
Kisses Bitches...
Glamour Whore...xoxo