"This is not show business, this is police business." -Jerry Orbach as Detective Lenny Briscoe "Law and Order" Season 12
I can barely contain my excitement right now!! I may not have mentioned this before but I am the biggest "Law and Order" fan. I've calmed down actually, right now I'm a self-described fan but I used to be borderline obsessed with that show. Cried like a baby when Jerry Orbach passed away...
So when I saw the photos from Harper's Bazaar "Law and Order" shoot starring the cast of my favorite show and Canadian model Noot Seear I nearly stroked out. I have no idea who came up with the genius idea to combine all of my passions...Fashion, photo shoots, makeup and hair, and Law and Order but whomever they are, Glamour Whore is blowing them air kisses right now.
Ok, I'm going to stop gushing like a groupie and just show you the pix...
Photos courtesy of the always fabulous Just Jared and Harper's Bazaar

Kisses Bitches...
Glamour Whore...xoxo