International FYIs About The Color Blue:
*In Mexico, blue is the color of mourning.
*Blue, blue-green, and green are sacred colors in Iran, where they symbolize paradise.
*In Aztec culture, blue symbolized sacrifice.
*In Greece, the color blue is believed to ward off "the evil eye." Those who believe in this Greek superstition often wear a blue charm necklace or blue bracelet for protection.
*In India, paintings of the god Krishna often depict him as having blue skin.
It's been awhile since I've mentioned/featured Mz.Amber Rose, although I make no secret of the fact that I adore and admire her unique style. Yep. I like her. Get over it.
Mz.Rose has kept a pretty low profile lately. A pic or two of her and her male companion/accessory Kanye pop up now and then but for the most part she has been under the fashion radar lately. Until last night. Last night Amber lit up Atlanta (sans Ye) sporting an "electric blue" shade of lipstick that had her all over the internet this morning.

I know what you think I'm gonna say....that I "love love loved it"...right? Sort of. What I actually love, love, loved is that she wore it. However....
IF SHE WAS MY CLIENT... I would have suggested a much more flattering shade of blue for her hair color and skin-tone...such as:
Limecrime's (yes, my favorite:) "Oh No She Didn't"

I feel that Amber could really do this unique lipstick justice and vice versa. I also see it as a much better shade of blue for her complexion/hair color...
Have a look at the color in "action" courtesy of a fab a post from Limecrime's creator Doe Deere's Blogzine:

P.S Peep the FAB tat on Raquel Reed's leg in the pic love love it.
I would like to thank the AMAZING Necole Bitchie for the pix of Amber Rose. Please visit Necole's fab blog to see many more pix and get the hottest (and more importantly...ACCURATE) news before anyone else.
Kisses Bitches...
Glamour Whore...xoxo