“The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a man's determination.” -Tommy Lasorda

"Bambino Selvaggio" or in English "Wild Child" that is a perfect description of my lifelong friend Kimi. Free spirit and life of the party come to mind also when I fondly remember us in high school... We had so much fun it was ridiculous, and maybe a lil illegal. Life wasn't perfect, not by a long shot, but it was different. Back then our hearts broke when our parents wouldn't bend on our curfew time or the boy we "couldn't live without" didn't call. Today we have grown up problems... No longer is our greatest mission getting our parents to agree to 1am instead of 12 or how we're gonna get that outfit we'll die without from the mall. If you had asked me back then if I saw my wild child Kimi being a good mom I would answer "I don't know". Because we never really thought about stuff like that. After years of being out of contact and renewing our friendship via Facebook (I know, so cliche)I got my answer... YES!! She is an amazing mother. Involved, loving, protective, supportive, nurturing, and probably the coolest mom in town. And she kept her figure...sounds perfect right? Wrong. NOTHING is ever perfect. There is always a catch. How else would we learn and gain knowledge and strength? Perfection isn't real and real isn't perfect. That's the first lesson I ever learned in life...
Kimi and her husband Matt, a great husband and father, have 3 amazing children. All of them cool, talented, smart and gorgeous. 2 girls and 1 boy. Like a magazine cover of the perfect family...almost. Like I said, nothing is ever perfect. That being said, keep in mind that whatever trials and tribulations arise, any parent will tell you, they wouldn't change a thing about their children. But they will fight like hell for them.
In 2008 their son Zack, a great kid who battles the disease like a solider, was diagnosed with Epilepsy.

Knowing Kimi and how she loves the people she loves, especially her children and husband, with all of her heart I'm sure the 1st reaction was pure devastation. But in pure Kimi form, she got past that and went right into battle mode. She is relentless in her pursuit of a cure and zealous in her quest to raise awareness to a disease that affects so many yet receives so little attention. She attended a huge walk for a cure in Washington this past spring and the event got very little press. It made me wonder...why? Why are millions of "pink" products available thru the month of October for Breast Cancer Awareness yet very few people even know that the color of Epilepsy Awareness Month is purple? I'm not saying that other diseases receive too much attention, my own Mother was taken from me when I was 5 from cancer and I'm grateful for the advancements that been made in the pursuit of a cure for that awful disease. I'm just saying that Epilepsy receives too little attention. So I'm here to do my part to help change that.
As I stated the color of Epilepsy Awareness is PURPLE. So, as a start I'm asking to try to wear the color purple, in anyone of it's various hues, at least a few times in the month of November and if you receive a compliment (and you will because purple is a striking color that almost everyone wears well) simply say "Thank you, I wore it to bring awareness/attention to the fight to find a cure for Epilepsy". And if any cosmetic companies or clothing/accessory designers are reading..."PLEASE CONSIDER CREATING A FAB PURPLE PIECE TO HELP RAISE AWARENESS AND DONATIONS".
You can learn more about epilepsy by visiting The Epilepsy Foundation or if you have a Facebook account you can join the group Kimi started to bring awareness, provide information and to serve as a supportive outlet for people affected by epilepsy "Zack Attack"
Some "purple" suggestions:
1) Eyeshadow:
Orglamix's "Fig"

2) Lipstick:
Limecrime's "Airbourne" Lipstick

3) Lipsy's Ric Rac Dress in Purple:

4) Can be as simple as a bouquet of purple flowers...

Also if you have a Twitter, Facebook, or a Myspace I created a "twibbon", a symbol that be applied to your default picture to show your support for "Zack Attack" or you can pick one simply to show show your support for Epilepsy Awareness.
Thank You for listening...