Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success. ~Henry Ford

Hello Glamettes:) I have some very exciting news. So, the past few weeks I have written posts titled "The Glamarazzi", basically consisting of links I felt should be seen and read. It was my "save me from narcissism" campaign. Well, I am thrilled to announce that "The Glamarazzi' is now a full-blown link sharing network with a weekly roundup... I love teamwork!!! And I adore my teammate!! Keedah, the lovely and uber-trendy founder and editor-in-chief of "Diary Of A style Addict" and I have joined forces to run "The Glamarazzi". If you would like to be involved please contact moi at or Keedah at . My fabulous partner has written a "press release" and worded it so eloquently that I will just relay the post:
The Glamarazzi

The purpose of The Glamarazzi is to spread fabulousness all over the web. Link exchanges build camaraderie among bloggers and is a great way to expose your readers to other link minded blogs. Its also the perfect way to direct people that may be interested in your blog to your site. The Glamarazzi is run by me, Keedah from Diary of a Style Addict, and Iggi from The Glamour Whore.
Now for the rules...
You must submit your link by 11:59PM Wednesday night by emailing it to both keedahwright at and iggimakeup at We both edit the links to please make sure you submit to both addresses. You may submit more than one link (we love having choices) but only one will be chosen. The completed link list will be emailed on Thursday. You must post the links and image in its entirety by Friday 11:59PM or you will not be able to participate in next weeks link exchange.
You must also display The Glamarazzi badge on your blog linking back to this page.

The badges can be found here
In addition your blog must be updated a minimum of 3 times per week. Membership will be capped to a certain amount of blogs (wouldn't want to be putting out 50 links now would we?) so if you'd like to join let us know ASAP!
Participating blogs :
The Glamour Whore
Diary of a Style Addict
K is for Kinky
Retro Divas Beauty
Join "The Glamarazzi"!!
Kisses Bitches...
Glamour Whore...xoxo