“It is the unseen, unforgettable, ultimate accessory of fashion that heralds your arrival and prolongs your departure.” -Coco Chanel
I am one of those annoying people that are ALWAYS cold. I am not happy unless it's above 80 degrees. So when I saw these cute USB Gloves that apparently were made for cold offices (NYC is filled with offices like that...) I was thrilled. Developed in Singapore, they do require 2 USB cords. You can purchase them in the fashionable furry winter white or the more neutral black, just please do not forget that you attached to your computer...

Purchase Price: USGlove10 (a set of both hands) 2,980 yen (US$25)
Or for just 1 hand:
USGlove1R (for your right hand) 1,980 yen (US$17)
USGlove1L (left hand only) 1,980 yen.
For more information: http://asia.cnet.com/
Also available in slippers for your toesies:)
Price: 3,980 yen (US$33.30)

Kisses Bitches...
Glamour Whore...xoxo