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~I Heart Bordelle's "Angela Corset Dress"~

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“Love is of all passions the strongest, for it attacks simultaneously the head, the heart and the senses.” -Lao Tzu

I love love love lingerie that you wear outside...as clothes. Love it. I wrote a post a while back introducing you to an AMAZING line of couture lingerie called
Bordelle... After discovering their "Angela Corset Dress" today, my love for Bordelle's designs deepened. Big time. It's a HEART SHAPED CORSET DRESS...omg. Out of control...

Shoe suggestion:
David Wyatt Satin Platform Heels

Makeup Suggestions:

Limecrime Magic Eye Dust in Medusa

Nars lipgloss in Harlow

Kisses Bitches...
Glamour Whore...xoxo


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“A fashion is merely a form of ugliness so unbearable that we are compelled to alter it every six months.” -Oscar Wilde

We are at a fashion "code red" Glamettes...prepare for battle.

The title of this post may seem a little dramatic to you... Actually, if you are a fellow Glamour Whore, nothing is ever too dramatic...what was I thinking?! Anyway...I'm disturbed. Seriously disturbed and distressed. I woke up today and went about my usual morning/afternoon (I like my sleep...don't judge me!), the routine being... Stretch, yawn...get up. Walk to fridge...ice cold pepsi (I said don't judge me!!
) Bathroom. Apply moisturizer to my freshly washed face. Take ice cold pepsi to my desk, smoke my morning/afternoon marlboro light (ok, judge me) and start my morning surfing. I get the news first, because being current event ignorant isn't sexy... After I read all of the, usually depressing, news and weather reports I get down to business. Beauty and Fashion news. I start surfing sites from all over the world looking for pertinent information to bring my readers. One of my very favorite sites "The Frisky" which I usually love ran a story that put me in a tailspin which over the course of the day escalated into full-fledged FEAR. The god-awful news that damn near gave me a stroke? An article titled "Dig Out Your Scrunchies—They’re Back In Style!" I REFUSE to accept this and will not allow those hideous, unsightly fashion fails to resurface...REFUSE!!

Now like I said, I was disturbed by the imminent threat of a "scrunchie revival" but little did I know that it was just the tip of the bad fashion iceberg...

Later on in the afternoon I was watching video footage of the upcoming Bravo series "Kell On Earth", a reality series premiering in February about Fashion PR guru Kelly Cutrone and she made a statement that put the fear of God in me... She said (in reference to her show and what you can expect) "You'll be able to learn about the skort...for men. This is a whole big trend right now. It's a skirt/short for men. It's a huge trend in New York, in rockbands and gay men" Omg....this has the potential to be a DISASTER!!! The skort may be the WORST invention EVER. EVER. Seriously...EVER. And a male skort is a act of war dammit...

I did a little research and this trend leads back to Marc Jacobs... I feel so betrayed. Dammit Jacobs, I always supported you...how could you do this?!

And Kelly, you are just being irresponsible by encouraging this nonsense...smh

Scrunchies?! Male Skorts?! A recipe for disaster...What if Perez Hilton starts running around in a skort?! Then what?! Who's paying for the medication and the stay at a mental health facility I'm gonna need after the sight of that?!

We are at a fashion "Code Red"...Good taste is being attacked and I will not stand by and let it happen...I will fight the good fight. So consider yourselves warned scrunchies and skorts!!

Kisses Bitches...
Glamour Whore...xoxo

~Babies And Jewelry...What's Not To Like?!~

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“It is the nature of babies to be in bliss.” -Deepak Chopra

Marie Claire.fr has a editorial in this months issue featuring babies and jewelry... Some people have referred to it as "creepy" or even "disturbing". Ummmm...why? What's the problem? I love babies and I love jewelry. Put them together and that's love x love. Perfect. Lighten up people...

P.S I really really want that cuff on that adorable baby's chubby lil arm...

Kisses Bitches...
Glamour Whore...xoxo

~Oh No She Didn't!!!...But She Really Did~

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International FYIs About The Color Blue:

*In Mexico, blue is the color of mourning.
*Blue, blue-green, and green are sacred colors in Iran, where they symbolize paradise.
*In Aztec culture, blue symbolized sacrifice.
*In Greece, the color blue is believed to ward off "the evil eye." Those who believe in this Greek superstition often wear a blue charm necklace or blue bracelet for protection.
*In India, paintings of the god Krishna often depict him as having blue skin.

It's been awhile since I've mentioned/featured Mz.Amber Rose, although I make no secret of the fact that I adore and admire her unique style. Yep. I like her. Get over it.

Mz.Rose has kept a pretty low profile lately. A pic or two of her and her male companion/accessory Kanye pop up now and then but for the most part she has been under the fashion radar lately. Until last night. Last night Amber lit up Atlanta (sans Ye) sporting an "electric blue" shade of lipstick that had her all over the internet this morning.


I know what you think I'm gonna say....that I "love love loved it"...right? Sort of. What I actually love, love, loved is that she wore it. However....
IF SHE WAS MY CLIENT... I would have suggested a much more flattering shade of blue for her hair color and skin-tone...such as:
Limecrime's (yes, my favorite:) "Oh No She Didn't"

I feel that Amber could really do this unique lipstick justice and vice versa. I also see it as a much better shade of blue for her complexion/hair color...

Have a look at the color in "action" courtesy of a fab a post from Limecrime's creator
Doe Deere's Blogzine:

P.S Peep the FAB tat on Raquel Reed's leg in the pic above...love love love it.

I would like to thank the AMAZING
Necole Bitchie for the pix of Amber Rose. Please visit Necole's fab blog to see many more pix and get the hottest (and more importantly...ACCURATE) news before anyone else.

Kisses Bitches...
Glamour Whore...xoxo

~Join "The Glamarazzi"~

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Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success. ~Henry Ford

Hello Glamettes:) I have some very exciting news. So, the past few weeks I have written posts titled "The Glamarazzi", basically consisting of links I felt should be seen and read. It was my "save me from narcissism" campaign. Well, I am thrilled to announce that "The Glamarazzi' is now a full-blown link sharing network with a weekly roundup... I love teamwork!!! And I adore my teammate!! Keedah, the lovely and uber-trendy founder and editor-in-chief of "Diary Of A style Addict" and I have joined forces to run "The Glamarazzi". If you would like to be involved please contact moi at
iggimakeup@yahoo.com or Keedah at keedahwright@gmail.com . My fabulous partner has written a "press release" and worded it so eloquently that I will just relay the post:


The Glamarazzi

The purpose of The Glamarazzi is to spread fabulousness all over the web. Link exchanges build camaraderie among bloggers and is a great way to expose your readers to other link minded blogs. Its also the perfect way to direct people that may be interested in your blog to your site. The Glamarazzi is run by me, Keedah from Diary of a Style Addict, and Iggi from The Glamour Whore.

Now for the rules...

You must submit your link by 11:59PM Wednesday night by emailing it to both keedahwright at gmail.com and iggimakeup at yahoo.com. We both edit the links to please make sure you submit to both addresses. You may submit more than one link (we love having choices) but only one will be chosen. The completed link list will be emailed on Thursday. You must post the links and image in its entirety by Friday 11:59PM or you will not be able to participate in next weeks link exchange.

You must also display The Glamarazzi badge on your blog linking back to this page.

The badges can be found

In addition your blog must be updated a minimum of 3 times per week. Membership will be capped to a certain amount of blogs (wouldn't want to be putting out 50 links now would we?) so if you'd like to join let us know ASAP!

Participating blogs :

The Glamour Whore
Diary of a Style Addict

K is for Kinky

Retro Divas Beauty

Join "The Glamarazzi"!!

Kisses Bitches...
Glamour Whore...xoxo

~I Don't Need To Chop Off My Hair...I Just Need New Accessories Dammit~

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You'll find boredom where there is the absence of a good idea” -Earl Nightingale

Scene: Glamour Whore in front of the mirror in the bathroom. Her very long, thick hair divided into sections. Cutting shears in hand. Phone rings. GW contemplates letting it go to voicemail but reconsiders and answers the call from a good friend.

Glamour Whore: Hello...
Friend: What's good? Watcha doin?
Glamour Whore: I'm about to cut my hair.
Friend: How short?!
Glamour Whore: Fairly short. Bob-like.
Friend: WHAT?!?! Hell No!! Don't do it... You'll regret it.
Glamour Whore: Hmmmm...maybe your right. I just...
Friend: Just what?
Glamour Whore: I don't know... Need a change or something. I'm bored.
Friend: Bored? With your hair?
Glamour Whore: Good question... I don't know. Just bored.
Friend: Well, if you cut off all that hair because you're bored... you're gonna be mad tomorrow.
Glamour Whore: Hmmmm....you might be right. I'll call you back...kisses.

So I started thinking. I wasn't bored with my hair. I was just bored. I needed something... Makeup? nope. As a Pro MUA I have literally every cosmetic product available. Clothes/Shoes? Nope. My bedroom is jam packed. Couldn't fit another piece of clothing or another pair of shoes in it if I tried...

I know!!!! Accessories. Yup. One thing I learned early on in life from my fashionable female family members: When looking to change up your style, look no further than new accessories. A new collection of belts, jewelry, hats, scarves, etc can revamp your whole look/wardrobe.

I thought to myself... I don't need to chop off my hair, I just need some new "head/hair" accessories. Now if only I had enough self control to stop at my head. But...nope. That's not my style...

I ended up finding a few necklaces, rings, bracelets, hell...I even found a harness I must have. Yes. A Harness... Let me share my findings...

Hair/Head/Ear Area: (Found at

I love the turban...

For My Neck/Chest Area: (Again...

This is my FAVORITE.... It can be made with any number you choose.

The Harness:

Finger/Wrist Area (Yes, you guessed it... Shopbop)

And I will add these accessories to my signature outfit: a wifebeater, a great fitting pair of jeans, fierce boots, a luxe bag and my trademark pink lips:

Kisses Bitches...
Glamour Whore...xoxo